First Time Buyers

A mortgage is likely the biggest loan you ever apply for – and far too often it is also the hardest one to understand.  Worse yet, are the number of people I see who don’t fully understand the loan term or the financial impact of the mortgage decisions they make.

Your Realtor will most likely be able to give you a copy of a First Time Home Buyers Guide – but those RARELY address the specific terms, products, and features you need to be aware of regarding your mortgage.  If you don’t like the thought of making uninformed decisions about your financial future – use one of these resources to understand your mortgage!

Our Mortgage Prep e-Course – 12 lessons delivered over a 3 week period to give you an in-depth look at every aspect of mortgage financing!

Our 1st Time Home Buyers Mortgage Guide – a condensed version of the above course delivered in one quick and easy email download

Ownership Strategy – a 30 minute (max), stress-free phone consultation where you can ask specific questions about your unique situation and goals.  You will leave with a strategic plan and action items to help you move toward “kissing your landlady goodbye”!

Mortgage Prep ECOURSE1st Time Buyers Guide Home Ownership Strategy

If you feel you are ready to start the mortgage application now – please click on the APPLY NOW button below and complete the application form.  It will be securely sent to me and I’ll call you back to discuss your specific situation!

Doug Cooper Mortgage Broker Edmonton